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Where Do External Toxins Come From? External Toxins via the air we breathe

Toxins are picked up by us, knowingly or unknowingly. Toxins are found everywhere and we come into contact with them daily – externally and internally.

Externally, we acquire toxins from the environment by inhaling them from the air we breathe in, eating them via our daily food and drinks, and through physical contact with them. Internally, we produce toxins through the very process of living.

We breathe airborne pollutants that are harmful for our health on a daily basis. Despite worldwide environmental initiatives intended at cleaning up the atmosphere, the air is filled with a perplexing array of pollutants – particularly in urban areas, lesser degree in sub-urban settlements, and lesser in rural areas (but not completely non-existence).

External toxins in the air we breathe include pollutants that come from car exhausts, tobacco smoke, industrial plants, office ventilation systems, unvented gas appliances, household cleaning solutions, industrial chemicals and agriculture.

Low concentrations of these pollutants irritate the eyes, nose and throat, and living in densely, polluted areas can increase the risk of more serious problems like asthma, bronchitis, eczema, just to name a few.

According to environmental experts, airborne pollutants can cause or aggravate respiratory, cardiovascular and lung diseases; weaken immune system; escalate likelihood of cancer; and, in certain situations, may lead to sudden death.

External toxins via air are found everywhere but this does not mean we have to live in fear. Read my next article, Where Do External Toxins Come From? External Toxins – in the food we eat, for more information and awareness.

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