Understanding Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis affects millions of people worldwide. It is the inflammation of one or more joints which has pain, swelling, stiffness, deformity, and or, a diminished range of motion. Although osteoarthritis can occur at any joint, the disorder most commonly affects joints in your hands, knees, hips and spine.
In the modern society, the effects of osteoarthritis are considered as a natural part of aging. In traditional societies, bone and joint concerns are uncommon and do not occur with age.
People who suffer from osteoarthritis may lead compromised quality lives due to the degenerative bone or joint conditions which restrict their movements.
Osteoarthritis symptoms are usually manageable, although the damage to joints cannot be reversed.
Staying active, maintaining a healthy weight, healthier food choices and some treatments may slow progression of the disease and help alleviate pain and joint functions. A more natural approach with an emphasis of whole grains and vegetables, helps to contribute to a healthy skeletal structure throughout our lives.
Pain and stiffness
Loss of flexibility
Stiffness and tightness
Difficulty in walking, stretching, or doing normal physical activities
Knee problems
Bone spurs
Loss of bone tissue in the joints
Erosion of cartilage
Balance problems
If you have joint pain or stiffness that does not go away, see your doctor to have medical check- ups.
Risk Factors that can increase your risk of osteoarthritis include:
Older age
Joint injuries
Certain jobs that stress on joint
Bone deformities
In this article, I am sharing on tips for holistic prevention and management of osteoarthritis.
1) Recommended Food Choices
Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meats, chicken without the skin, beans, whole grains and low-fat or skim milk and cheese.
Eat foods with high dietary fiber like whole wheat breads, wheat cereals, whole grain breads, brown rice or noodles instead of refined grains.
Keep fish and lean meat and poultry portions to about the size of a pack of cards.
Bake, broil or grill instead of fried and oily food.
Steaming food is the ideal cooking method.
Eat foods that have less fat and salt.
Healthy Eating
Practise healthy eating habits from young and have adequate nutrition
Eat 5 different coloured fruits and vegetables daily.
Reduce saturated fats (animal meats) and total fats intake.
Limit salt intake to less than 5 grams daily (slightly less than a teaspoon)
Avoid or reduce white sugar, artificial sugars, sweet syrups and sweet beverages.
Avoid animal foods. White fish or fish with scales can be eaten once or twice a week, one-palm size.
Beans help to strengthen bones and joints. Choose the smaller beans like adzuki beans, lentils, chickpeas, and black soybeans. Bean products may be eaten as part of your diet to replace meat.
Important to take note:
Soak your beans in water overnight, or minimum four hours.
Drain away the water, rinse and blanch with hot water, drain off hot water and follow by cooking to make the beans softer.
These steps help to reduce gas-producing effects and phytic acid content to aid better digestion and absorption of minerals like calcium, iron and zinc, respectively.
Consume reduce or unsweetened soya milk and eat more tofu and beans to provide your body with vitamin D, to absorb calcium better.
Consider to replace meat with a variety of vegetables to maintain a healthy, alkaline pH level. This is because if blood pH is too acidic, the may affect the cartilage in the joints to have higher risk of wear-and-tear. This may lead to pain and discomfort.
Eat more vegetables
Eat more sulfur-containing foods like asparagus, garlic and onions. Sulfur is needed for the repair and rebuilding of bone, cartilage, and connective tissue. Sulfur aids in the absorption of calcium.
Increase vegetables intake as dietary fibre helps to increase intestinal peristalsis and aid bowel movements. Dark, green leafy vegetables are especially nutritious as a good source of calcium for strong bones and teeth.
Avoid or reduce intake of nightshade vegetables like tomatoes, egg plants, white potatoes, chilies and capsicums.
These foods contain a naturally-occurring substance called solanine, which interferes with the enzymes in your muscles, and may cause pain and discomfort.
Avoid deep fried/ oily food, especially difficult to digest food
Reduce coffee/ tea
Reduce cold drinks and carbonated drinks
Drink warm water (water management)
Drink warm water (water management)
Read my articles on:
Take your medications that are prescribed by your doctor
If you are on pain killers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), be careful with your intake of sodium (salt) to manage water retention.
Consume your medications after food. Enquire about a protective agent to take along with the NSAID, especially if you are over 65 or have had previous gastrointestinal
Ask for help when you feel down
Pain and immobility can often drive people to despair. You are not alone. It is ok to seek help.
2) Recommended Lifestyle Changes
Exercise 30- 60 minutes daily
Get regular, moderate exercise to aid blood circulation, reduce pain and retarding of joint deterioration. Choose activities that do not put stress on the affected joint and strengthens the surrounding bones, muscles, and ligaments. Walking, bicycle riding and water exercises are good choices. Avoid weight-bearing or impact exercises. Spend time outdoors for fresh air and sunshine. Adequate exposure to morning sunshine prompts the synthesis of vitamin D which is helpful for proper bone formation.
Stop smoking
Be happy
Maintain healthy weight
If you are overweight, reduce excess weight to ease stress on your joints.
Manage your stress in a healthier way
Like: singing, exercise and positive community activities.
Use cold, gel packs on inflamed joints to relief pain. You may alternate with applications of warm, gel packs.
Warm, foot baths or hot tubs may provide relief to tensed muscles and stiffness of bones. Have a hot shower or bath in the morning to aid relief of morning stiffness.
3) Something extra to ponder
In Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy, the bones are governed by the kidney and bladder and their related functions, including bladder meridian that extends from the top of the head and moves down the entire length of the spine, legs and to the feet.
Kidney-bladder energy provides vitality, strength, and flexibility to bones, joints and other skeletal structures. Foods that nourish these organs and functions are whole grains, beans, sea vegetables, dried vegetables and other dried foods, and good quality sea salt and alkaline water.
Swelling or inflammation of the bones and joints can be caused either by strong yin factors like sugar, ice cream or excess amounts of nightshade plants, or by a combination of strong yin and yang factors like excess meat, poultry, eggs, and high salt or baked food products.
Softening of bones is caused by extreme yin factors.
Stiffness and deformation of bones if caused by a combination of strong yin and yang factors.
Abnormal inward curve of bones accompanied by deformation is caused by strong yang factors.
Therefore, eat healthily is both a science and art of balancing to nourish our mind, body and soul and leads us into better health.
4) Get Help from an experienced Nutritionist or Holistic Health, Nutrition and Wellness Coach
There could be multiple reasons or other health conditions that are linked or associated with your painful bones and joints. You do not have to feel despair and live in frequent discomfort.
Speak to one who can advise you with the right diet and lifestyle to complement your treatments and body constitutions.
Look for one who can provide you with counselling advices to see you through your recovery journey. It is advisable to seek an experienced health coach who specialises and has helped many people with this health condition.
Come, make an appointment with me for an online health and nutrition consultation. Let me coach you on how to take small and effective steps to manage your osteoarthritis and other health concerns.
It is possible to live your life better with the right guidance to food and nutrition, lifestyle and positive mind-set.
When we make a choice to do something right and healthy for ourselves, that is self-care and loving our families and loved ones too.
Contact me for a heart-to-heart talk. Let me help you.
Copyright © 2020 Jeannette Yeow Holistic Health Coach