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Glucosamine – Natural Integrative Interventions for Joint Structure Support

There are many types of nutrients that are helpful for joint structure support. In this article, I will share on Glucosamine.


This is a component of larger compounds called glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans, which help to trap water in the cartilage, providing it with the flexibility and resilience it needs to function properly. To illustrate this in layman terms, this nutrient is like a wet sponge or lubricant which traps water and expands. Thus, helping to prevent bones and joints from knocking against each other which could cause inflammations and swellings, and to make joints sound less crackly.

Research studies have shown that glucosamine has been found to have anti- inflammatory and disease modifying effects in OA. Researchers believe that glucosamine may repair cartilage by stimulating synthesis of chondrocytes. In addition, studies have revealed that glucosamine also plays a crucial role in maintaining joint lubrication.

There are different types of glucosamine, like glucosamine hydrochloride or glucosamine sulfate. High-quality data from research studies show that glucosamine sulfate is superior for relieving the severity of OA symptoms.

Even though there are some controversy in the conventional medical community over the efficiency of glucosamine for OA, most published studies revealed that glucosamine sulfate is effective.

As cartilage takes time to produce, and glucosamine is only one of its structural components, experts recommend up to eight weeks of consumption as a natural therapy before making an assessment concerning efficacy.

Recommended dosage of nutrients to aid joint structure support

Glucosamine: 400 – 3,200 mg daily

Do you have OA?

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It is possible to live your life better with the right guidance to food and nutrition, lifestyle and positive mind-set.

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