Choline is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in a wide variety of body functions. From muscle recovery after exercise to mood, choline is something we do not want to skip!
What is also unique about choline, is that we actually produce a little bit of our own. However, choline from food is still needed to meet all of our needs. Some people are at higher risk of developing signs of choline deficiency when they’re not getting enough from their diet, and genetics can tell us who those people might be!
Individuals with the risk variants of the PEMT and MTHFD1 genes need to stay on top of their choline game to avoid signs of deficiency.
Choline rich foods include:
● Eggs
● Beans/lentils
● Liver
● Tofu
● Salmon
● Meat
If optimizing your nutrition based on your genes is something you want to learn more about, contact me today to schedule your Nutrigenomix test!